Friday, October 3, 2008

The Food Industry Has It Out For Me

The LSAT is coming up this weekend, so I've been a bit flustered. In my rush to get in a practice section before work this morning, I forgot my lunch, usually a can of beans. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just go to UofL's wonderful (and over-priced cafeteria).

Looking over my options, I thought about a salad. Paying anyone six dollars to throw vegetables into a bowl and hand it to me seemed a little ridiculous. If times were really hard I could gather grass and leaves into a bowl myself. Ultimately, I opted for sushi. Since, I allow myself to eat fish every now and then, and I thought having protein rich meal would keep me focused and functioning for tomorrow, I choose what looked like Crab Philadelphia Roll (Phili rolls with the salmon are my favorite when in fish-meat mode). Half-way through the meal, however, my stomach cramped up like it does when I'm eating something it hate (i.e. gluten). I stopped my meal and checked the ingredients sticker attached to my plastic sushi box (that must be what I pay so much for!). Sure enough the answer became clear:

Imitation Crab has wheat in it.

They use wheat among several other ingredients so that the pollock paste (that is a type of fish they grind up) can hold its shape. I am astounded by my lack of knowledge of what goes into my food.

Locavorism is starting to look better everyday.

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